Continuous Improvement System - ABET Accredited B.S. Program

Metallurgical Engineering SDSM&T Rapid City, SD


2004 Alumni Focus Group Summary Report


Date: Feb, 19, 2004

Alumni attending: Annie Thompson, Brooks Henderson, Nick Wald

Alumni invite but unable to attend: Derek Rebsom, Jamie Mathison, Cory Struckman, Eric Swanson, Chad Griswold


Objective One:  Successfully apply metallurgical engineering principles in their employment

1.     What areas do you feel you were lacking after being employed?  (Do you need more   

math, stats, chemistry, etc.)


2.     What areas of metallurgy are you using in your field?  Did you have enough

background for going into your field?)  Separate the fields (extractive, physical, etc.)

and ask questions based on field.                


Objective Two:  Meet societal needs through science and technology

1.     With the background in metallurgy from SDSM&T, are you able to grow with technology as it changes?


2.     When you entered your field of employment, do you feel you were ahead, the same, or behind in the technology being used?


Objective Three:  Grow professionally and personally                                          

1.     Do you belong to any professional organizations?

2.     Have you had any training since graduation?

3.     Do you keep up with changes in technology since graduation

4.     Were you encouraged to join organizations while at SDSM&T?  Did you join any organization and if so, did this involvement continue after graduation?


Objective Four:  Serve their profession and community

1.     Currently what is their position and involvement in material science/metallurgy?

2.     Do they belong to organizations that help the community or volunteer help?

3.     Are alumni involved in the community outside of work?

4.     Are you responsible for your work?

5.     Have you published and/or presented your work at conferences?


WebCT Survey Questions


    Combine similar questions into one question—e.g., ask how important is a particular item/area in their career and then if they are satisfied with the metallurgical curriculum at SDSM&T in that area.


    Keep the length of the survey within reason.  Limit the number of open-ended questions.


    There could be space for comments (optional).