Continuous Improvement System - ABET Accredited B.S. Program

Metallurgical Engineering SDSM&T Rapid City, SD

Classes of 2000 to 2008 Alumni Survey  (51/54 responsding)
How much does your current employment involve metallurgical engineering? Number Item To what extent do you feel that your job meets societal needs through science and technology? How satisfied are you with the overall effectiveness and value of your SDSM&T Met Eng education? How satisfied are you with your ability to use analytical methods and solve engineering problems? How important in your position is the use of analytical methods to solve engineering problems? How satisfied are you with your ability to use computational methods and solve engineering problems? How important in your position is the use of computational methods to solve engineering problems? How satisfied are you with your ability to use math, science, and engineering principles? How important in your position is the use of math, science, and engineering principles? How satisfied are you with your ability to make engineering decisions? How important in your position is the making of engineering decisions? How satisfied are you with your ability to design engineering systems? How important in your position is the design of engineering systems? How satisfied are you with your ability to work in teams?   How important in your position is working in teams?   How satisfied are you with your ability to use communication skills? How important in your position is the use of communication skills? How satisfied are you with your ability to use instruments and measurement tools? How important in your position is the use of instruments and measurement tools? How satisfied are you with your ability to anticipate the societal impacts of your work? How important in your position is the anticipation of societal impacts? How satisfied are you with your ability to recognize the potential environmental impact of your work? How important in your position is the recognition of potential environmental impacts?
Frequently 33 Very High 32 26 26 25 20 15 26 28 27 30 8 12 32 34 31 41 26 25 13 20 11 23
Sometimes 8 High 15 25 25 19 26 19 24 13 22 10 32 12 18 11 20 8 22 15 32 13 35 14
Rarely 8 Low 3 4 5 12 1 8 1 9 11 16 1 3 2 8 5 14 5 10
Never 2 Very Low 2 4 1 1 9 2 1 2 3 3
50 51 51 50 51 50 51 50 50 50 51 49 51 50 51 50 50 50 50 50 51 50
Employer's Primary Business Number
Primary Metals 9
Manufacturing 14
Electronic materials 4 Item Very High High Low Very Low
Recycling, Enviroment 1 To what extent do you feel that your job meets societal needs through science and technology? 32 15 3 50
Material use, performance, or properties 9 How satisfied are you with the overall effectiveness and value of your SDSM&T Met Eng education? 26 25 51
Education 3 How satisfied are you with your ability to use analytical methods and solve engineering problems? 26 25 51
Other engineering 1 How important in your position is the use of analytical methods to solve engineering problems? 25 19 4 2 50
Other 7 How satisfied are you with your ability to use computational methods and solve engineering problems? 20 26 5 51
How important in your position is the use of computational methods to solve engineering problems? 15 19 12 4 50
Which of the following skills do you use in your work? (Check all that apply.)   Number How satisfied are you with your ability to use math, science, and engineering principles? 26 24 1 51
Report Writing 42 How important in your position is the use of math, science, and engineering principles? 28 13 8 1 50
Oral Presentations 42 How satisfied are you with your ability to make engineering decisions? 27 22 1 50
Team Interactions 44 How important in your position is the making of engineering decisions? 30 10 9 1 50
Technical Computations 38 How satisfied are you with your ability to design engineering systems? 8 32 11 51
Advanced Engineering Tools and Equipment 36 How important in your position is the design of engineering systems? 12 12 16 9 49
Design 29 How satisfied are you with your ability to work in teams?   32 18 1 51
How important in your position is working in teams?   34 11 3 2 50
How do you serve your profession or local community? (Check all that apply.)   Number How satisfied are you with your ability to use communication skills? 31 20 51
Member of one or more Professional Societies 5 How important in your position is the use of communication skills? 41 8 1 50
Service on Professional Boards or Societies 27 How satisfied are you with your ability to use instruments and measurement tools? 26 22 2 50
Community Volunteer 22 How important in your position is the use of instruments and measurement tools? 25 15 8 2 50
Attend Community Activities 27 How satisfied are you with your ability to anticipate the societal impacts of your work? 13 32 5 50
Other Service 10 How important in your position is the anticipation of societal impacts? 20 13 14 3 50
No Public Service 8 How satisfied are you with your ability to recognize the potential environmental impact of your work? 11 35 5 51
How important in your position is the recognition of potential environmental impacts? 23 14 10 3 50
How have you grown professionally and personally since graduating from SDSM&T? (Check all that apply.) Number
Continued Formal Education 14
Completed professional short courses 27
Active in professional society 15
Read technical literature 45
Read non-technical literature 39
View or attend non-technical educational programs 23
Single Response Survey Questions
Item Very High High Low Very Low
To what extent do you feel that your job meets societal needs through science and technology? 32 15 3  
How satisfied are you with the overall effectiveness and value of your SDSM&T Met Eng education? 26 25  
How satisfied are you with your ability to use analytical methods and solve engineering problems? 26 25    
How important in your position is the use of analytical methods to solve engineering problems? 25 19 4 2
How satisfied are you with your ability to use computational methods and solve engineering problems? 20 26 5  
How important in your position is the use of computational methods to solve engineering problems? 15 19 12 4
How satisfied are you with your ability to use math, science, and engineering principles? 26 24 1  
How important in your position is the use of math, science, and engineering principles? 28 13 8 1
How satisfied are you with your ability to make engineering decisions? 27 22 1  
How important in your position is the making of engineering decisions? 30 10 9 1
How satisfied are you with your ability to design engineering systems? 8 32 11  
How important in your position is the design of engineering systems? 12 12 16 9
How satisfied are you with your ability to work in teams?   32 18 1  
How important in your position is working in teams?   34 11 3 2
How satisfied are you with your ability to use communication skills? 31 20    
How important in your position is the use of communication skills? 41 8   1
How satisfied are you with your ability to use instruments and measurement tools? 26 22 2  
How important in your position is the use of instruments and measurement tools? 25 15 8 2
How satisfied are you with your ability to anticipate the societal impacts of your work? 13 32 5  
How important in your position is the anticipation of societal impacts? 20 13 14 3
How satisfied are you with your ability to recognize the potential environmental impact of your work? 11 35 5  
How important in your position is the recognition of potential environmental impacts? 23 14 10 3