Continuous Improvement System - ABET Accredited B.S. Program

Metallurgical Engineering SDSM&T Rapid City, SD

Alumni Survey Data for 2003 from 4-6 year Alumni
# Topic 4 Point High Scale
1 How much does your current employment involve metallurgical engineering?  3.00
4 Extent alumnus feels that current position meets societal needs through science and technology 3.15
7 How satisfied are you with the overall effectiveness and value of your SDSM&T Met Eng education? 3.38
2 Employer's primary pusiness  /Other=31% /OtherEng=8% /ed=0% /Mat use & perform=23% /Recy&Envir=0% /ElectMat=0% /Manufac=23% /PrimaryMet=15%
3 Skills used in current employment  /Design=46% /Adv tools & Equip=54% /Tech Computations=69% /Team Interact=85% /Oral pres77% /Report Writing=85%
5 Service to the professional and local community  /Profess Soc=54% /Ser on Prof Boards & Soc=23% /Comm Volunteer=31% / Comm Activities=38% / Other Service=23% No Pub Servce 23%
6 Continued professional and personal growth  /cont'd Prof Ed=23% /Prof Short Courses=54% / Active in Prof Soc=46% /Read Tech Lit= 92% /Read Non-Tech Lit=54% /Non-Tech Edu Cat Prog=38%
The following appear in Satisfaction-Importance groups Satisfaction Importance
8-9 Use of analytical methods to solve engineering problems  3.46 3.00
10-11 Use of computational methods to solve engineering problems 3.31 2.85
12-13 The use of math, science, and engineering principles  3.69 3.23
14-15 Making engineering decisions 3.54 3.31
16-17 Designing engineering systems 3.00 2.92
18-19 Working in teams 3.54 3.46
20-21 Communicating 3.38 3.77
22-23 Instruments and measurement tools 3.38 3.23
24-25 Anticipating societal impacts 2.92 2.54
26-27 Recognition of potential environment impact  2.92 3.00