Continuous Improvement System - ABET Accredited B.S. Program

Metallurgical Engineering SDSM&T Rapid City, SD


Program Educational Objective Actions for 2004

Evaluation Process Improvement

·          More data on employer survey are critical. There are a reasonable number of returns on the alumni survey but inadequate response from employer surveys.

·          Employer survey questions are to be aligned more closely with the program objectives rather than with the currently alignment with program outcomes.

·          Alumni survey questions are to be aligned more closely with the program objectives rather than with the current alignment with program outcomes.

·          Remove or better delineate the objective evaluation instruments: SDSM&T departments, SDSM&T student, and the Student Satisfaction-Importance (SSI) survey


Implementation Plan

·          Devise an improved methodology to obtain employer input.  Consider interviewing interviewers who come to campus to hire our graduates.  Populate the Advisory Board with employers.

·          Reduce the complexity of evaluation of objectives by reducing the number of groups from which input is sought while maintaining representation from all constituents.



Objective Improvement

·          Curriculum should be improved to make communication skills better. This action is closely related to an Outcome Assessment Action Items and is thereby slated for improvement action.

·          More emphasis should be given in ethics, professionalism and global issues. This action is closely related to an Outcome Assessment Action Items and is thereby slated for improvement action, primarily in MET 310 and MET 321.


Implementation Plan

·          Develop modules on topics such as ethics, societal context, and global issues for use in our courses and/or embedded these topics within each course.  This would be particularly useful in ethics so that students know that we are committed to ethical practice.  The Regents are moving to implement these requirements within the General Education requirement as well.

·          Continue to intensify the rewriting of laboratory reports to assure that every student must learn what a well-written report contains and how it is produced.