Continuous Improvement System - ABET Accredited B.S. Program

Metallurgical Engineering SDSM&T Rapid City, SD


B.S. Metallurgical Engineering Degree Constituents

The program constituents are those who employ our graduates. These are
• Private industry
• Public agencies
• University graduate programs
• Self-employed entrepreneurial alumni

The Advisory Board includes alumni so they represent now-informed (former) student interests.

Undergraduate students in the BS Metallurgical Engineering program are considered a special constituency group in the area of providing direct feedback on the quality of the classroom and laboratory instruction for required and elective courses in the program. They do not have sufficient experience or knowledge to be considered a constituency group for evaluation and revision of PEOs. Each academic semester these students have opportunity to provide feedback into the program in the form of the student opinion surveys (SOS) that are mandatory for every class taught every semester by Assistant and Associate Professors and once every three years for Full Professors. These data are collected and maintained by the department head and are discussed with individual faculty each semester the SOS are completed. SOS constitute substantial portions of the individual faculty members promotion and tenure review process, as well as providing information on areas to adjust curriculum based on student expectations. Recent graduates, having gained some perspective, are highly valued as part of the program’s objectives and student outcomes review process.