Continuous Improvement System - ABET Accredited B.S. Program

Metallurgical Engineering SDSM&T Rapid City, SD


Glossary of Terms for SDSM&T
BS Metallurgical Engineering Degree Program at SDSM&T


Action Statement

refers to a written and distributed statement prescribing program faculty members to change outcome assessment procedures, instructional content or procedures, curriculum, extracurricular activities and opportunities, or objective evaluation procedures with the intent of improving program quality.



Assessment under this criterion is one or more processes that identify, collect, and prepare data to evaluate the achievement of a program outcome or a program educational objective.


Assessment Summary

is a Microsoft Excel document consisting of a Table and a Chart onto which all Program Outcomes results are organized for one academic year.


Assessment Triangulation

is the use of three assessment methods to obtain a more meaningful assessment than possible from any one assessment method.


Course Objectives

are statements about the broad educational goals of a course.


Course Outcomes

are statements that describe what students are expected to know, attitudes they are expected to hold, and what they are able to do as a result of taking a course



is one or more processes for interpreting the data and evidence accumulated through assessment practices.



The terms “goal” and “objectives” are used interchangeably.


Grand Summary

is a Microsoft Excel document that shows the assessment results for all outcomes over all years, any one outcome over time, or all outcomes for any selected year.



is the collection of a specific document, one per student or team, used to assess a Program Outcome. Examples of the specific document may be a completed homework assignment or an exam, faculty member-completed oral presentation assessment form, or students’ standardized exam results.


Instrument Inventory

is the collection of all instruments used to assess all Program Outcomes.



refers to the system of Performance Criteria used to arrive at numerical measures of student satisfaction of Program Outcomes.


Performance Criteria

are measurable attributes that define each of the educational outcomes. 


Program Educational Objectives

are broad statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments that the program is preparing graduates to achieve.


Program Outcomes

are statements that describe what students are expected to know, attitudes they are expected to hold, and what they are able to do by the time of graduation. (Achievement of program outcomes should indicate the student is equipped to achieve the Program Educational Objectives.)


Outcome Review

is a Microsoft Excel worksheet onto which a designated Met Eng faculty member documents his critical review of a selected Program Outcome for a specified academic year and includes actions needed.


Outcome Review Summary

is a Microsoft Excel worksheet that contains a complete sequential history of the evaluation, actions, and results for one outcome review for all years.


Outcome Summary

is a Microsoft Excel table document for a specified Program Outcome onto which the all the Score Card assessment results for the specified outcome are summarized and tabulated for one calendar year.


Quality Function Deployment Matrix

refers to map of outcomes to established functions, such as courses, student advisement, career fairs, field trips that influence the degree to which one or more program outcomes are achieved. 


Score Card

is a Microsoft Excel table document on which the Program Outcome assessment results for one instrument are recorded. These are typically completed by one designated faculty assessor.